Hi everyone one this is sasi.


Thank so much for visiting my blog. Please read and try to understand this matter. In this article mainly, I say about my foundation. On 7 January, 2014 we started a foundation, the name of the foundation is "GOD SAVE ME"-FOR A CHANGE. At this time we are studying 7th class but are not think about our ages or classes, we only think about to help others. We helped lot of people and we distribute food to lot of road people every Saturday of the week. We are students and we are from middle class village families. We never think about our poverty, we only about how to help others and how to provide more food to other people?  and our foundation is runs successfully runs from last five years without any up and downs ,because of this lot of inspired and they are ready to walk with us to do help. Recently we are celebrated our five years celebrations very well from 7-1-2014 to 7-1-2019 it completed five years.

We feel so happy because lot of people present in this society but we have only chance to help others and provide food to others. Finally the main reason to I write this article to bring awareness in people and please help others and provide food for road side people.we can't take money with us, so please help others. 

Our principles 

* Helping.

* Dare 

* kindness. 

* Change. 

* Honesty. 

* Aware.